VWCA April Board Meeting Minutes
VWCA BOARD AGENDA, April 26th, 2022
7:00 P.M. Held virtually and in person
With humility and gratitude, we acknowledge that the land on which we gather as guests is the traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples, specifically the Lekwungen, also known today as the Songhees and Esquimalt nations.
Attendance: Justine Semmens, Joshua Cain, Dar Purewall, Mike Medland, Kent Verge, Patti Parkhouse, Michael Hill, Nya Owen and Donna Ingram in person. Reinhart Trautmann, Sharmarke Dubow and Jaymie Humber via Zoom.
Regrets: James Aitken, Amanda Allan
- Call to Order
Called to order at 7 pm
- Adoption of agenda
Motion:that the agenda be adopted. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
- March 29th, 2022 Board meeting minutes
Motion: that the March 29th, 2022 VWCA Board Meeting Minutes be approved with the following amendments New members applications, section 6B were brought forward by Dar Purwell not Mike Melland, Section 7C spelling error, Bamfield should be Banfield. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
- City of Victoria Reports:
- A. Sharmarke Dubow (Councilor Liaison, City of Victoria):
Council is having an Arts + Culture workshop April 28 to look at best practices across North America to look at accessibility and recommendations on how we can improve the state of Arts and Cultural spaces.
Info on the Committee of the Whole form last week. Good discussion and there is more work to do.
Accountability report for Annual Report to achieve cities objective, this will be available to the public next week.
Call for interest for 2022 Children’s Book Prize, calling authors and illustrators to submit work. $5000 prize going to the winner.
- B. Michael Hill (Community Development Coordinator, City of Victoria):
Neighbourhood Small Grant from Vancouver Foundation $500 for small projects proposed by informal groups of residents. Grant is available from April 2022 until Oct 2023.
Council approved Growing in the City Volunteer Coordinator Grant and Service Grant Awards, Victoria West Community Association was awarded a Volunteer Coordinator Grant of $9300 and a Service Grant of $1500.
Inclusion and Equity Survey, looking for feedback on how the City of Victoria can be more inclusive and equitable in our engagement activities. Survey to be completed by April 30, 2022.
Dogs in Parks, council will review all requests for Dog Parks as part of strategic discussion in 2023.
Council has adopted several resolutions to reduce single-use items.
Council has received a request and will be reviewing next week a proposal re: 822 Catherine St which has a request for rezoning of 31 units with a variance on building height. Lot has gone from 9 low income units to a proposed market rent 31 unit building.
Discussion: Although this plan is a rapid deployment of affordable housing options it is in direct opposition to neighbourhood plans regarding a residential only lot with affordable housing.
Q:What is affordable housing?
Q:What checks and balances are in place to make sure that the housing remains affordable with council changes?
A: No private developers to maintain affordable housing will follow up, unsure what standards will be followed. Possibly as defined by BC Housing? Will follow up.
Q: concern expressed that the development are not following neighborhood plans
A: Assured that nonprofits are involved and development will be the best fit.
A: Individuals are encouraged to contact the council directly to express concerns.
Discussion: Horizon Developments was the only developer that attended a public hearing for affordable housing. It was clarified that this development is not following the neighbourhood plan, not that developers are doing the wrong thing.
Q: Does the developer have plans to help with rehousing current residents?
Discussion: Many of those folks moved out before the developers rehoused.
- Executive reports:
- President – Justine Semmens
- Secretary – Dar Purewall
Discussion: Applicants for VWCA membership for the month of April include Darryl Hol (Central Spur Rd) and Scott Mercer (Craigflower Rd).
Motion: that the following applicants for VWCA membership be approved and received into the membership roll. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
- Executive Director – Jaymie Humber no report
- Treasurer – Mike Medland
Feb financials on track, revenues at ⅓ of a years, expenses below ⅓ of year
VWCC has gone through 25% of programming budget
There are funds to do a big project if community brings in a proposal
The society is in better shape post Covid than pre Covid
Discussion: Will funds from canceled Rain or Shine garden be returned to the Food Security Program?
Motion: All expenses from Rain or Shine Fund will be moved into the Food Security Fund. Moved by Patti Parkhouse. Carried.
Motion: that the VWCA board receives the February 2022 statements. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
Motion: that the executive reports be received. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
- Director and Committee Reports:
- Kent Verge (Governance): no report
- Amanda Allan (Transportation): absent and no report
- Patti Parkhouse (Food Security Project): Asked that Stephanie McFadden be received as a member. To be reviewed next month. School gardens are very demanding and are going well. Sign project is going ahead. Free mulch delivery on Apr 22nd, was quickly picked up by the community. May 20 Get Growing garden start distribution.
- James Aitken (Land Use): absent and no report Discussion – where is James Aiken, is a staff member checking the land use emails? Nya has volunteered to do this.
- Joshua Cain ( Director at large): no report
- Reinhard Trautmann ( Director at large): no report
Motion: that committee and project reports be received. Moved by Justine Semmens. Carried.
- Announcements/ Questions: Will there be info on the Vic West Fest put into the newsletter?
- Adjournment
Motion: that the meeting be adjourned at 8pm. Moved by Mike Medland. Carried.