- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
VWCA Childcare Expansion
VWCA Childcare Expansion
The VWCA has spent the past five years advocating for additional childcare spaces in the community. We are pleased to announce that an additional 32, 3-5 year, childcare spaces will be available in the community at our new Sherk St. location.
This is thanks to the tireless efforts of the VWCA’s Executive Director, Johanne Thompson, former Childcare Manager, Kate Thring, and the VWCA Board of Directors.
Coming Together Vic West
Coming Together Vic West
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the VWCA created a program to help connect neighbours and ensure the most vulnerable members of our community were able to receive support and supplies during the spring of 2020. The VWCA also compiled a local business list to help ensure that businesses that remained open or that had transitioned to online sales could still connect with the community.
Emergency Childcare Services
Emergency Childcare Services
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the VWCA provided childcare for essential workers in the community. This program lasted from April 2020 – August 2020. This program would not have been possible without the hard work of Beth Hume and Asha Willis.
Vic West Community Live Series
Vic West Community Live Series
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the VWCA began the “Vic West Community Live Series” to help connect with the community. Events hosted include, Craft Time with Asha (featuring the VWCA’s own Asha Willis), Gardening Q& A (featuring the VWCA’s own Louise Kelaher), How to Sew a Face Mask, Accupressure at Home, Cooking Together – With Children, and Conversations with City of Victoria Staff & Council.
Free Little "Seed Libraries"
Free Little "Seed Libraries"
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the VWCA Food Security Collective partnered with the Victoria Seed Library to distribute 500 packages of free vegetable seeds in Vic West’s eight free little library boxes. Seed supplies were scarce so the FSC’s Committee Chair, Patti Parkhouse, jumped into action to support Vic West food growers. A special thanks to Kristy for her help with this project.
Get Growing Vic West
Get Growing Vic West
The VWCA was proud to be a part of The City of Victoria’s Get Growing program. We provided over 3000 seedlings to community members over two distribution days. A huge thank you to Patti Parkhouse, Katie, and all the other volunteers who helped make these days possible.
VWCA Anniversary Celebrations
VWCA Anniversary Celebrations
The VWCA celebrated a number of anniversaries in 2020. It was the 90th anniversary since the VWCA was first founded, 50 years since we became a modern society, and 10 years since we took over the Vic West Community Centre. To celebrate these huge milestones, the association presented the history of the Vic West Community. More details can be found on our website. A huge thank you to Justine Semmens, Veronique Plante, and all the other volunteers involved!
With the help of Simon Trudeau, the VWCA also created a time capsule video interviewing long time residents of the community. It can be found here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtHs4wol084&t=34s
Logo Redesign & Rebranding Project
Logo Redesign & Rebranding Project
In 2019 volunteers on the VWCA’s rebranding committee help facilitate a logo redesign for the Community Association. The logo was unveiled at Vic West Fest. A huge thank you to Supriya Crocker, Sean Battistoni, Julia Schenck, and Sindy Martinez.
Vic West Fest 2019
Vic West Fest 2019
The VWCA expand its annual community celebration, Vic West Fest, to feature local businesses and artists as well as some amazing community performers. A huge thank you to Veronique Plante, Paul Roots, Ben Fleet, and Everett Piper who helped make the event possible.
Vic West Community Garage Sale
Vic West Community Garage Sale
The VWCA hosted its first-ever community garage sale. We had over 30 vendors and hundreds of members of the public attend. A huge thank you to Chris Bryson and Julie Bull for their coordination efforts!
Program Registration Software
Program Registration Software
In September 2019, the VWCA launched its new online program registration software. Participants can now register for programs from the comfort of their homes. A huge thank you to Jamie Boyd and Chris Bryson for coordinating and managing this project!
Out of School Care Expansion
Out of School Care Expansion
The VWCA started their official out-of-school care program in September 2019. In November 2019 we took over the Boys & Girls Club operations to offer childcare at both the Community Centre and Vic West Elementary. A huge thank you to Asha Willis and Johanne Thompson for their flexibility and dedication to kids in our community.
Community Speakers Series
Community Speakers Series
The VWCA began hosting their community speakers series! We had one speaker present each month on a variety of different topics. A huge thank you to all of the speakers that have participated.
VWCA Strategic Plan
VWCA Strategic Plan
In 2018 the VWCA adopted its 5-year strategic plan.
Childcare Task Force
Childcare Task Force
In 2018, Vic West was announced as a pilot project for a new, provincially funded childcare building. The Vic West Community Association partnered with SD61 to create new spaces for kids in Vic West! Vic West owes a huge thanks to Mayor Lisa Helps for bringing the VWCA, SD61, and the Province of BC together through the mayor’s taskforce on childcare. This would have been impossible without her help. We’d also like to give a huge thank you to Johanne Thompson, Kate Bryson, and all the other VWCA staff and volunteers who have helped with this project.
Boulevard Gardens
Boulevard Gardens
In 2018, the Vic West Food Security Collective promoted a Citywide personal food growing survey through their volunteer list and various other contacts. The survey supports the City of Victoria Official Community Plan Section 17.3 – Assess neighbourhood food system features and needs as part of local area planning. Vic West was the neighbourhood with the most completed surveys and won $500 to install a boulevard garden.
Community Centre Electronic Message Board
Community Centre Electronic Message Centre
In 2017, the VWCA installed a new electronic message centre at the Vic West Community Centre. The sign helps inform people about all the amazing things happening in the building and community.
Vic West Neighbourhood Area Plan
Vic West Neighbourhood Area Plan
In 2017, the VWCA volunteers helped inform and direct the City of Victoria’s Vic West Neighbourhood Area Plan.
It can be viewed here…
Cobb Bench Cover
Cobb Bench Cover
In 2016, Vic West Food Security Volunteers worked to build a cover for the cobb bench in Banfield Commons.